Owner emilk9911
Status offline

Players 0/5
Version 1.8
Rank 10362
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 4 minute(s) ago
Country Sweden
Types Survival

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Welcome to EkCraft a friendly minecraft server! This is a survival server with helpful owners and admins. we have good plugins so that your house will not be griefed!Welcome to EkCraft a friendly minecraft server! This is a survival server with helpful owners and admins. we have good plugins so that your house will not be griefed!Welcome to EkCraft a friendly minecraft server! This is a survival server with helpful owners and admins. we have good plugins so that your house will not be griefed!Welcome to EkCraft a friendly minecraft server! This is a survival server with helpful owners and admins. we have good plugins so that your house will not be griefed!Welcome to EkCraft a friendly minecraft server! This is a survival server with helpful owners and admins. we have good plugins so that your house will not be griefed!Welcome to EkCraft a friendly minecraft server! This is a survival server with helpful owners and admins. we have good plugins so that your house will not be griefed!Welcome to EkCraft a friendly minecraft server! This is a survival server with helpful owners and admins. we have good plugins so that your house will not be griefed!Welcome to EkCraft a friendly minecraft server! This is a survival server with helpful owners and admins. we have good plugins so that your house will not be griefed!Welcome to EkCraft a friendly minecraft server! This is a survival server with helpful owners and admins. we have good plugins so that your house will not be griefed!Welcom