Pixelmon Origins
Owner Pixelmon Origins
Status online

Players 0/20
Version 1.16
Rank 3994
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 21 minute(s) ago
Country Germany
Types PixelmonSurvivalPvE

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Welcome to Pixelmon Origins!
This server is a reboot of a server we once hosted called Pixelmon Origins. The experience here will follow much of the same as we had in the past. Here's some of our features!

Custom Starters 👀
All players start with their choice of a custom starter! This can be any Pokemon (excluding legendaries, mythicals, and Ditto) and can be customized to perfection, meaning you can set the IVs, EVs, Nature, movelist and have it be Shiny! If you choose to customize your starter this way however, it will be set to unbreedable to avoid ruining the economy.

Events ✅
From time to time, we will host server-wide events which will introduce new server lore and give players opportunities to catch rare Pokemon, find awesome loot, and enter new dimensions!

Pokemon League 🏆
Phase 1: The 8 Gyms
Your Journey starts with our 8 gyms. The gyms consist of various themes, some of which aren't restricted by monotype! Keep in mind that the gyms must be defeated in the correct order for you to progress!

Phase 2: WIP!

Tournaments 🏁
Occasional tournaments will be hosted by both players and server staff that will include awesome prizes to compete for!

Player Shops 🛍️
Players have the ability to open and run their own shops near spa