Owner Bluzbur
Status offline

Players 0/500
Version 1.20
Rank 10632
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 9 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types EconomyPvPEarthSurvivalVanillaSMPTowny

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Welcome to BlurCraft, the ultimate Minecraft SMP experience! Build your dream town or base, make lasting friendships, and enjoy cross-platform gameplay. With unique features, custom items, and a friendly community, BlurCraft welcomes both Java and Bedrock players.

Join us and unleash your creativity as you construct your own thriving town or magnificent base. Collaborate with like-minded players, share resources, and embark on group projects to create stunning architectural marvels. Our community is filled with friendly players eager to connect and make new friends, regardless of whether you play on Java or Bedrock edition.

Our dedicated staff members are always available to assist you. They are knowledgeable, friendly, and committed to ensuring your experience in BlurCraft is enjoyable. From answering questions to resolving concerns, they are here to support you every step of the way.

Join BlurCraft today and immerse yourself in an extraordinary adventure. Build, create, and make lifelong friendships in a server designed for endless possibilities. Experience the best of Minecraft SMP as a Java or Bedrock player in our welcoming and inclusive community.