gongs hut
Owner whOOber
Status online

Players 1/10
Version 1.20
Rank 432
Votes 2
Uptime 100%
Last Check 13 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types SurvivalPvPPvEmoddedVanilla

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what does this server have to offer that other servers dont have?

- its a very large amplified map. That means you can go out into the map, find a beautiful spot, and play.
- keepinventory is on. You do loose 50% of your EXP is you die. We dont need rage quitters over a death.
- 1.21 experimental features such as the crafter. The future is good!
- its a big map, and to make it easier for folks to play together we have /tpa available.
- You can also have one /home Again, BIG map
- commands like /hat, /workbench, /day, /rtp and more
- More Simple QOL enhancements: rotten flesh can be turned into leather.
- 0-tick farms!
- A better, more challenging End for everyone.

Raiding is allowed. Stealing is allowed, but frowned upon by most civilized folks. Griefing someone else's base is also allowed, but highly frowned on, and probably wont make you the server hero. But again, I am not your mom.

Griefing the map, because you are a griefer, and have nothing else to do, will earn you a ban if I am in the mood. Or maybe I will just clean it up and move on. Try me.

Please no hacks, mods, or useless glitches that lag the server. No fly hacks, get an elytra instead. TNT duping is not allowed.