Reloaded SMP
Owner exonete
Status offline

Players 0/50
Version 1.17
Rank 15634
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 7 minute(s) ago
Country United Kingdom
Types VanillaSurvivalPvE

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We are 3 friends that have played together for a decent amount of time on a pretty big server where we were admin/mods. This server kinda spiraled out of what we look for in a minecraft server, so we decided to break out and start up our own project: ReLoaded SMP.

Our vision was that if we could keep a server as vanilla as possible and get a decent playerbase with us we could have a really good time!

As of now, not even 2 weeks into the server lifetime we have 10 dedicated players joining from all over the world with the exact same vision - and we are thriving. We are currently looking at expanding our playerbase and recruit some more dedicated players - is this you?

We have set some ground rules, and those are as following:

You must be 20 years or older. ( exceptions can be made if your application is out of this world)

There is zero tolerance for cheating, racism or excessive profanity in the chat.

You have decent sense of humor, as we pull some innocent pranks on eachother.

You have decent English skills.

You respect your fellow Reloader's!

As of now, we have added tpa and /warp that goes to the shopping district and a End portal - that is it, regarding plugins that alter the game in a "major" way.

We are also using a server-sided proximity-chat, which is really cool.

Looking forward to read your applications.