Sinerics Demon Slayer SMP
Owner Sinerics
Status online

Players 0/0
Version 1.16.4
Rank 5870
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 3 minute(s) ago
Country Georgia
Types SMPmodded

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Hello! I have an SMP that's like Demon Slayer: Island Anzhong (by butterjaffa) But it has... LORE The starting lore is basic. Some people were kidnapped and brought onto another planet, on said planet, there's a school that aims to teach people to kill demons. RULES Follow these, please. 1 - don't make random drama. severity if broken - warning 2 - don't hack. severity if broken - ban. 3 - don't spawn kill. severity if broken - warning. 4 - don't kill people who have no armor. severity if broken - warning. 5 - have fun. severity if broken - nothing DM me on reddit or discord for link to the discord (Sinerics#6857), to apply there is a google doc in the chat. please don't remove this, mods. ip is and it requires the Kimetsu No Yaiba mod. btw its actually 1.16.5 but they dont have it so yeah