Owner uNick
Status offline

Players 0/0
Version 1.8
Rank 911
Votes 1
Uptime 100%
Last Check 27 minute(s) ago
Country Algeria
Types Bedrock

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With no flashing banner, no custom texture pack, and no “golden claim shovel,” uToo aims to be different from the mundane survival server we are used to.

In a community where ‘You Too’ are the focus, we listen to YOUR ideas.

Survival Server Features:
- New integrated claiming system
- HOST Items (extremely rare)
- OG Minecraft Spawn
- Limited time events & items
- In-game Ranks/levelling system
- Vast variety of Skills to level up your character
- Jobs to earn income while farming materials
- Player to player marketplace
- Iconic Auction House
- Daily Quests
- Supply & Demand based economy
- Player Warps to show off your builds

VERSION: 1.20.1
Survival Border: 50k x 50k

Sometimes the features we don’t implement are most important.

What we DONT have:
- Shops where players can buy materials with infinite supply.
Our marketplace has LIMITED stock on items. Which means you
cannot purchase an infinite amount of items at once. Prices fluctuate based on

- McMMO… We’re tired of the same old plugin; and so are you. Our Skills system lets you boost health, damage, and more without it.

- No forced texture packs. Express yourself with your chosen visuals!

⏰ Coming Soon!

We're in the final stages of development, ironing out every detail to ensure you have the best experience possible. Stay tuned for our grand opening!